Most Commonly Used Door Types

UPVC manufacturers in India claim that UPVC doors and windows offer a plenty of advantages. However, the FunderMax India asserts that people still go in for conventional door types. People prefer wooden sliding doors and other types of doors. Here are the most commonly used door types.

Framed and Panelled Doors
The framed and panelled door is one the most common types of doors that are found in many houses. Wood is used to make the frame of the door while the shutter panels are made out of the timber, the plywood, the block board, the hard board and others. There are a plenty of designs that can be made on panels, which implies that these can also be made as decorative as one’s likes. In case the panels are made out of glass then the doors are called panelled and glazed. These are very flexible in terms of designs and are also aesthetically very lucrative. These can be carved out as per the preference of the person.

Flush Doors
The flush doors are the ones that are highly smooth consisting of plywood or he Medium Density Fibreboard that is fixed over the timber frame that is comparatively quite light. The hollow core that is obtained is usually filled with the material of a cardboard core. These are ideally used in the interiors of the house accompanied by the variations that is then used on outside of the house. The frames of these doors are made out of the wood, the steel and such material which are strong enough to hold its weight. Such doors usually open only in one direction. These are good for the economy houses giving them a pleasant appearance and offering great durability.

All in all, these are the most commonly used door types.
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